Our work

Digital Health and Data

The goal of the Digital Health and Data Network (DHDN) is to share best-practices and support other working groups of the EUHA in achieving their goals through IT solutions and the use of health data. The DHDN represents the interests of EUHA members at the European level on topics related to digital health and health data.

Fostering better care and the EHDS

The European Commission launched the European Health Data Space (EHDS) in May 2022, aiming to make health data accessible throughout Europe for direct patient care, research, and health policy. With an aim to improve access to healthcare for all European citizens, the DHDN became involved with EHDS through the EU-funded project TEHDAS (Towards the European Health Data Space).
As a stakeholder in two of the project’s working groups, the DHDN has contributed to various workshops. In addition, the DHDN is looking into implementing the International Patient Summary (IPS). If the IPS were accessible within the EHDS, an emergency data record could be created for all citizens. Thus, healthcare workers across EUHA institutions could quickly access a patient’s pertinent information, thereby promoting better care.

Current initiatives

The DHDN consists of around 24 participants appointed from EUHA university hospitals. Participants come from a wide variety of professional backgrounds, covering the different facets of Digital Health and Health Data.

They advise and liaise internally on health data handling in EUHA working groups such as LIVE (Learning In ValuE), Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and projects like EU-PEARL (IMI II- EU Patient cEntric clinical tRial pLatforms), and coordinate requirements in the areas of data management, digital health, IT, innovation, interoperability and research at the EUHA member and European level. They further facilitate education and best-practice sharing in Digital Health, Data Management and Strategy (e.g. European Health Data Evidence Network (EHDEN) and International Patient Summary (IPS)).

With the launch of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) in May 2022, the DHDN became involved in the EHDS through the EU-funded project TEHDAS (Towards the European Health Data Space). The EUHA DHDN is an advisory stakeholder in the Joint Action Towards the European Health Data Space (TEHDAS).
EUHA has been appointed as a TEHDAS-Stakeholder in Working Group 5 “Sharing Data for Health” and Working Group 7 “Connecting the Dots and the DHDN has contributed to various workshops.


Peter Gocke

Berlin, Germany

Antonia Rollwage

Berlin, Germany

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin