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EUCARE is an EUHA-driven fellowship programme that will foster the exchange of essential knowledge among critical care nurses within EUHA hospitals. The programme will create a network of critical care nurses that will increase the preparedness to face future disasters while helping reduce shortages by increasing the attractiveness of the nursing profession.

The European Critical Care Nursing Fellowship Programme (EUCARE)

Critical care nurses play a vital role in disaster response and need to be prepared for responding to increasing global threats in our continent, such as pandemics, war, and natural disasters. In addition, the recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted current nursing workforce shortages that stretch healthcare systems, threaten the healthcare response, and expose the need for more preparedness in Europe. The current shortage of nursing professionals in Europe is a major concern that requires innovative solutions.

EUHA is concerned that these shortages, together with growing healthcare demands, rising cost of treatments and an ageing population will pose challenges to healthcare accessibility, and limit system resilience during future health emergencies. For this reason, EUHA adopted as a strategic goal to develop innovative solutions for clinical care and upskill the healthcare workforce to support the development, resilience, and sustainability of European healthcare systems.

The EUHA Nursing Network contributes to this strategic objective with EUCARE, a 3-year fellowship programme whose primary objective is to facilitate the exchange of clinical knowledge among critical care nurses in EUHA hospitals. The project, which is coordinated by Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, has received ERASMUS+ funding to design and implement a common education programme for nurses. This programme will provide specialised crisis response knowledge and create a network of interculturally trained nurses ready to work across borders. Thus, participants will undergo comprehensive practical training to acquire the necessary competencies that support the provision of critical care in different intercultural emergencies.

Goals of EUCARE

The nursing fellowship programme will contribute to a specialisation programme for critical care nurses across Europe, facilitating better alignment with EU countries’ different needs and enhancing the critical care nursing career attractiveness with a unique professional development opportunity. As a result of the programme, participants will have solid professional and operational skills and improved interdisciplinary, interprofessional, and cross-cultural collaboration.  Additionally, the programme will create a network of nurses who will be prepared to work across borders in the event of pandemics, disasters or wars. 

Therefore, the aim of EUCARE is two-fold:

  • Increasing the attractiveness of the nursing profession: By providing a fellowship programme for critical care nurses, EUCARE will improve the continuous professional education and career prospects in nursing, ultimately contributing to the attractiveness of the profession.

  • Increasing our preparedness to future disasters: The programme will create a network of critical care nurses at the European level prepared to work across borders in the event of pandemics, disasters or wars. Therefore, EUCARE will increase the preparedness to face future disasters.
  • Consortium

    All ten members of EUHA support the EUCARE fellowship programme.

    Six members are actively involved in the development and implementation of the project, which includes Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Erasmus MC - Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Karolinska University Hospital, Universitätsklinikum AKH Wien, Ospedale San Raffaele - Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, and UZ Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven .

    Other EUHA members, namely Aarhus University Hospital, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris, Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, and King's Health Partners, support the project as associate partners.


    ERASMUS+ funding will last three years, starting from the official launch date of EUCARE, on December 12, 2023, and ending on September 30, 2026.


    Alexander Lang

    Berlin, Germany

    Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

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